Do NOT under ANY cirspoogestance, buy from, or deal with, Charles E. Haug (Chuck Haug, User ID girlsliketurbos2). See the original thread here:
And the NATO thread here:;f=11;t=001804;p=1#000022
His ad stated "newly balanced crank with weisco pistons crowler rods and total seal gapless rings with high rev springs. all of this is for a 2.3 motor with a need of a rebuild. everything is brand new never used. i changed my project to a 5.0. they are standard size with no overbore".
When I called him and spoke with him four times over the phone, he was very upfront with details. Wiesco forged turbo pistons, Crower Sportsman Rods, coated Clevite Bearings (rods and mains), Total Seal Gapless rings, balance 2.3T crank. All standard bore, standard bearing, ready to drop in. He had his machine shop (Oddy's Performance) mail me the "balancing sheet". The sheet was for a static balance only and only to the quote "stock re-sized rods, aftermarket pistons". (Arrived after payment made)
A deal was struck for $400 plus $95 shipping. I paid with a WaMu Money Order (#698697784, Nov 13, 2006, I have a copy of the signed, deposited money order with his bank account #).
The parts arrived last week via UPS. The box was in poor shape. The crank, rods (with pistons attatched), and bearings/rings were simply floating in a box of packing peanuts. Needless to say, the crank broke all 4 pistons and rods. The pistons are actually a no-name Chinese knock-off (flat-top, full-floatin pin only), the wristpin slams back and forth in the bore, the rods are stock with stock bolts (used), there is only 2 sets of rings (Total Seal, NON gapless, regular steel, NON turbo application), 2 sets of cam bearings, 1 set of main bearings (non-coated, no-name, no packaging), and a very nasty rusted beyond use crankshaft. There were no rod bearings. Pictures included.
He has two address's listed and goes by Charles or Chuck.
164 Carriage Park
West Seneca, NY 14224
234 Columbus Ave
Buffalo, NY 14220
Phone #'s are 716-602-7183, 716-674-0695, and 716-822-8102. I have not heard from him since the day the parts arrived. He knows that I am extremely pissed off and want my money rightfully returned. I have left 3 phone messages, 3 PM's, and 1 email in the last 8 days with no response, so this is my next step. BUYER BEWARE!!
More pics.
And 3 more. I still have all of the parts and much higher resolution pics if you need them. 3 of the 4 pistons have actual chunks missing. All 4 are cracked and have damage to the wristpin area.
hmmm (edit) Man that blows I hope you get it all sorted out
dude! it looks like he threw all his s metal in a box and shipped it to you...i cant believe he would send u that crank and claim its brand new! thats just uncalled for. i'd be real skeptical buying from someone new to this board, most people on here seem real truthful and wouldnt want to skrew anyone over...but when a newbie come on and wants to sell things right away, theres a chance there ight be trouble. i dont know what to tell you, but i sure hope u get your money back, someone shouldnt be able to get away with that
I've bought over $1000 worth of stuff just this year from Member's on this Board. I've NEVER been screwed before.
shiznit, what a mess.
You paid with a money order so you have him on mail fraud, if he wont square up with you the legal system will.
Dude that sucks. Time to beat some ass :beatyoass:
Good luck my friend.I feel for you.
This would be better suited in the Vendor/Feedback section. (Where it belongs) I know you think this forum would be "higher traffic", but it will just fade on off the bottom in a few days. It will have alot more staying power, and be useful for other folks in the other forum.
Bummer about the transaction. Of course this guy is probably vapor by now.
Someone needs busted about the head. It would be one thing if the actually got damaged as a result of UPS or whatever, but that clearly wasn't packed well and there's no way it could've rusted in transit so.... get your money back.
* wonders when the angry mod will leave* :beatyoass: :beatyoass: :beatyoass:
Honestly that sucks ass the way you got screwed over. I hope you find this person and do very bad, untracable things
Actually the mods were notified by Michael before this thread was posted. It'll stay here until it fades away, then I'll move it to the appropriate section. $500 is a lot of money to be screwed out of
The plot thickens! Apparently he's had a DIFFERENT user ID for the last 2 YEARS! turboed351 was his old ID.
Looks like we have a member registered here with a username turboed302:
Phone number has the same area code.
Looks like he was peddling turbo 2.3 parts aswell.
that sucks to hear man i hope everything gets settled asap for you
Maybe we should have a STICKY who not to buy from in the venders section.
:beatyoass: what else is there to say.....
So, did he send you pictures of other parts that were in better shape than those?
Please tell me you didn't send a $500 money order out for parts sight-unseen.
I passed up on a killer deal for some wheels I was looking at on eBay. The two images in the listing looked like they were scans of 1972 photos! So I asked him for better detailed pictures, he kept giving me BS about "finding his camera" blah blah blah, and in the meantime someone hit the Buy It Now button. I hope they didn't get screwed.
Best of luck to ya...
File fraud charges with the local police and notify the FBIs internet fraud folks? If any part of the transaction involved the US Mail you can also get them to investigate.
This guy is a REAL BOTTOM FEEDING Scum SUCKER. He's been screwing the 2.3 community since July 2003 that I've been able to dig up with the help of some good friends online. Here's how many PAST User ID's this guy's used:
He frequently uses his "girlfriend" or his dad's name online. He also has any payment sent to his dad's house. The reason this sucker was able to con me was he told me his name was "Rick" until he had me make the M/O out to "Chuck Haug". That should have rang the warning bells, but my bank is supposed to be able to recall M/O's even after they've been deposited (yeah, they stopped doing that, jerks). I've found the guys checking account # and birthday out (he's 29) and will definately be filing charges today. Watch out Chuck Haug, you messed with the WRONG set of guys this time!!
Check out these threads of other people he's screwed over:;f=5;t=000056;f=9;t=000323;p=0#000005;f=4;t=002630;f=5;t=000056;f=5;t=000091
Watch out!
This may even be a case of Identity theft too. The obituary was in a news paper from Long Island, NY.
No Identity theft, that's his grand-dad. Chuck E Haug this idiot is 29.
More info:
The guy in the Obituary was grandpa.
Charles E Haug, Sr is the father. He's at the West Seneca, NY address.
Charles E Haug, Jr is the scammer. He's at the Buffalo, NY address.
hey mike if you would like i can go on a hunting trip when i visit my parents for the holidays:beatyoass:
Maybe the death of his close relative will give him a wake up call. Continue these scams, and you too will pay the ultimate price. Once people realize their own mortality, they seem to change. One can only hope that this "Chuck" is so heartbroken and so distraught over the death of his grandfather, he will give up his scamming ways.
"died on March 24, 2006"
Not likely. He didn't post this ad until September.
Well, I guess the guy doesn't have a heart either.
(I suppose this wouldn't be the best time to ask if you've gotten you're scanner online now would it?)
no. And I haven't. Poor HP Customer Service is starting to believe I might just fly to Elbonia and beat them with their own scanner.
Excellent work Michael, Not that it helps any but I have talked with this guy one the phone. A while back he posted an add looking for a TC rear and I responded giving him my own phone number, he was quick to call back and let me know he wasn't going to need it... but he did try and sell me a tubular K member. I'll double check to see if I saved his number, but I doubt it.
Thanks CougarSE. I appreciate any and all info on this scumbag.
it was prolly bits of stock exhaust pipe welded in the shape of a "K"
You know what? I seriously say we all get together and pay this little shiznit a visit. Hes Screwed with enough of us now, I say we find him and hand-deliver him to the autorities... after scaring the living shiznit out of him.
I second that.
Until he comes out with a gun. Click-click. BLAM!
Ok, we pay this little shiznit a visit with us all wearing body armor. Send one of us he doesn't know to meet up with him. Get the cops involved and make it undercover.
I hope you're gonna plant one of those pistons in the guys skull
Granted, the guy's a scumbag doucheball, it's probably better to err on the side of safety and have the police do the work for you.
You could always hire a....private investigator....
if anyone cares for my opinion on this,, then here it is.
I think you should have to pay 1000 dollars to setup a paypal acct. The money sits as a deposit and paypal can invest it ect and you earn interest on your money. As you go on in the following months selling things, your money just sits there. If you close your account, paypal sends it back to you. If you have a problem with a buyer / seller,, then the money is sitting there waiting as restitution for the plaintif.
That would be a good nuff reason to keep it clean if i was selling stuff.
It would be pretty much useless, because when somebody does a chargeback PayPal takes the money anyway - if you have your bank account connected to PayPal (which you must do if you wish to withdraw funds) PayPal will go right into your bank account and take it. It is quite well known that the
seller takes all the risks with PayPal (and it is also in court in several jurisdictions and for several reasons, as many of PayPal's policies of taking money from sellers are violations of the law). In fact, even if one follows PayPal's supposed "seller protection policy" to the letter (shipping to confirmed address within USA/Canada, providing tracking info and proof item was delivered, etc) if somebody does a chargeback PayPal takes the money from you, even though their seller protection policy says they won't - that's one of the things they're in court for.
I'd like to see PayPal/eBay go the other way and require a deposit for buyers - that would go a long way toward preventing non-paying bidders. They should at least make it so that the deposit goes toward paying the sellers eBay fees if the buyer turns out to be a deadbeat. Not gonna happen, though, because eBay makes buckets of money from non-paying bidders (they refund the final value fee, but they keep the listing fee, so every non-paying bidder is at least a buck in eBay's bank account)
This is all moot, of course - Michael didn't pay with PayPal or buy off eBay. I'd never send a MO to an un-known or un-trusted person.
well, it would be his first and last mistake then. I've got bigger guns.:beatyoass:
Maybe we should make a sticky thread in the Vendors Feedback with the most notorious scammers with all of their contact info and aliases and whatnot. Obviously this guy's name deserves to be right at the top of that list big and bold.
Good luck Mike. Eventually everything will work out.
He e-mailed me this morning. He had the nerve to tell me to send his back FIRST, then I can have a refund. I actually laughed it was sooo funny. He also claims his "phone quit working". I guess that means he hasn't bothered to check the internet lately either. This guy is a true piece of work.
He OBVIOUSLY hasn't checked here in awhile huh?
Last Activity: 11-30-2006 02:37 PM
I hope you catch this bum.
I know! We could get Jim Rockford... No... Wait... He drives a Firebird... Ickey-poo.
FYI: Just hit 1,000 views. Scumbag still hasn't bothered to call or email back all day.
Do I see the start of the Fox tbird/cougar SWAT team? :beatyoass: :beatyoass: :beatyoass:
yeah and i know buffalo well (grew up in that region):beatyoass:
A SWAT team signifies you're trying to maintain order.....this sounds like it would be more of a mercenary armada:grinno:
Armada sounds good. Implies firepower is on hand. We'll see what the snake does today.
you just give toe order sir and we can mobilize within an hour!
I'll fly from WI LOL
ill be your guide through buffalo. Been there so many times that i know my way around. Plus ithelps living up there for 24 yrs:cool:
I'll pick up some Tacos from Jack in the Box for everyone before I hit up the local Army Surplus store to buy a Flame-Thrower! We shall meet at dawn.
sounds good!
Count me in, I live about an hour south of Buffalo and have never been one to pass up the opportunity to help a t-bird person.
Sounds like the beginning of an explosive situation.... or chemical warfare, not sure which. :D
please remind me not to piss anyone off here:grinno:
I think everyone has gone too far with the jokes in this thread.
, some people are just so worthless. What a bell end.
wow look what I started...... :grinno:
You kniow what? we could all stand on the street, surrounding his house. All wear a Foxtbirdcougarforums T-shirt..... and just stand there. No speaking, no jeering.... just stand there. I think it would get the wanted reaction from the little dickweed. And then we can start leaving business cards at his work, on his car, in his driveway, on his front step...... I think it might be the last time he screws anybody over. If uyou cant be Violent, why not sheer intimidation?
So,has there been any updates as to whether or not you made contact withis guy?Have you notified the authorities?What's been done and what are the results so far???
now thats the best suggestion to date. i know it woule make me nervous.
Nothing to update yet. I filed for the damage with UPS, but the sender gets the check, not the reciever. I call the cops Monday morning.
You mean $500 isn't a worthy amount to KILL someone for? You're dumb, Claude.
time to go try to revive the neighbor? lol
I'd say $500 is waiting by his car with a big ass stick:beatyoass:
For those who don't realize... my comments to Claude were sarcastic. I think a bunch of us showing up at his house is pretty dumb. Like someone else said, this thread is getting out of hand. Way off-topic, that is.
I talked to the Grandfather and Grandmother yesterday. They said to stop calling, because he never refunds anybody. Sounds like he pulls this sh*t a lot. Cops are getting called tomorrow by noon. I'm done toying around.
Did they say stop calling. Or did they listen to you and offer that they had no solution for you?
That 2nd one. And the 1st one kinda.
Buffalo PD now has a fraud report on file for Chuck Haug. Doesn't help me much, but if he ever tries it again it gets bumped a notch.
His phone number has been disconnected.
I filed with UPS and they've been VERY helpful. We'll see where there goes.
I'm off to my bank now with HIS bank account # IN HAND to get a charge-back as well. No more Mr. Nice Guy, I'm going whole-hog on this jerk.
Go get 'em.
I'm glad something is going to catch up to the guy. Fruad is better then nothing. Very glad you got your cash back
I HAVEN'T gotten my cash back. That's why I'm still chasing this guy like a Banshee.
I think you should go
Going to have me a HUGE update for you guys tomorrow. Look here for some inspiration:
That guy got jipped for $6000 and he's getting even. Well it's my turn now. I found out some new info and I get to file ANOTHER set of charges with the cops. Oh yeah.
BLAM!!! Got you didn't I Chuck?? I called today and you picked up the phone and pretended to not be yourself and said you'd be home in an hour. Guess what? I'll be calling in an hour. Come on, man up and sent me the money back. So here's the updates:
1. UPS is going ahead with the insurance claim in MY name. It was filed 01/05/2007 for tracking # 1z05r8350326540974 with UPS Store #4606 in West Seneca, NY.
2. I found out for sure that the Carriage Lane address in West Seneca is Charles Sr. the father.
3. Chuck Haug listed his return address as:
175 Indian Church
West Seneca, NY 14224
Problem is that address is actually in Buffalo (Zip 14210) and is
listed as a David M. Safe. There is no Indian Church in West
4. I got the reciept from Oddy's Automotive (651 Bullis Road Elma, NY14059, 716-674-2500) dated 04/14/03 which states:
4 K120A3 pistons (a side note, if these are truely this piston, current Wiesco price is $313.66 EACH. They are listed as "Xtra Light-Weight Flat Top Circle Track Pistons" and are not for street use. They will give around an 11:1 compression) at $300
Total Seal Gapless Rings at $200
Rod, Main, Cam, and Aux Bearings for $95
Static Balance for $150
R&R 4 pistons on rods for $80
Resize 4 rods for $60
Total $885
100% proof that the pistons are DEAD wrong and the rods are stock. The machine shop NEVER even had the crank in their shop!
All of this is being faxed off to West Seneca P. D. on Friday. Now that I know where you ACTUALLY live I can file a BIG report on you. Now it's for fraud and theft. Your move, you have till Friday.
Found on
Member ID: turboed302
Name: jeff
Location: buffalo, New York
Member Since: Dec 28, 2006
Good job Michael, keep the updates coming.
Keep up the good work! I wonder why this guy even made the effort to send anything at all.
You know, I think there needs to be a new Marvel superhero. One that hunts down internet scammers and mashes their nuts. Ah, i'm getting carried away again... :grinno:
Bump required to get clean link on new feedback system. Eric and Carm, feel free to move this to the Feedback thread, It's clear I'm never getting my money back.
STOP THE PRESS!! He's STILL around!!!
"Last Activity: 02-05-2007 03:23 PM "
That's 4 days ago! The NERVE of this $&$&*(!!!!
Try today:
Why don't you get copies of everything you have posted,all the info you have,and go to the town he lives and get the cops involved?Is that a possibity?He knows what he's doing.He's probably laughing at you everytime he comes around.I'd bet watching your reaction is why he still comes around.can the police help you?
Just get his ISP, then trace it to where he's at. Then give it to the local cops, grab a beer and enjoy. It sounds so easy.
He's in NY, I'm in WA.
I need everybody that's ever been screwed by this guy to contact me ASAP!!
I hafta say, this is some mighty fine detective work! Glad to see somebody not gettin away with this !
Lookie who's here.
Jerk head!
Don't pay any attention to him.He's taunting you trying to get you pi$$ed,and watching you get angry.He's not going to man up and tend to business.He's feeling like a tough guy because he's hiding at home.Will he confront anyone in person?No way.He knows he'd get his butt handed to him.I'd like to find him around here.I'd take him easy.
Ive just spent the last hour of my life reading about this jakoff. How did things turn out?? I seen his last activity on here was 5-02-07 under the girlsliketurbos name. Have you got your money back yet????
That I remember, he's still got Mikes money, and he's still a cum stain on the dress of all things good here. He still shows from time to time, but I hope to hell he comes to catjam:beatyoass: :beatyoass:
I usually tend to avoid this kinda stuff like the Plague..but....
If this piss-sipper isn't man 'nuff to send Mike's money back..what in the Blue Hell makes you think he's gonna show his face at CJ '07...where 3/4 of the active members would probably rip him to shreds the size of mouse turds!?
All this talk of revenge is pointless AND stupid. Let the cops handle need to do something stupid and end up in jail for assaulting the worthless scammer. :flame: