Me lispooge shootum things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:beatyoass::beatyoass::beatyoass::beatyoass: :beatyoass:
I got the beer on ice, if you're cookin, lol
might stop on the way, snag a coupla pheasants or some such...wild turkey work?
(either kind)
hmm..rats with bushy tails..get ir dun!
I've heard of folks eatin' possums too, but i think i'd pass on that..you know what a possum eats??? kinda nasty, lol
dude that used to live behind me ate them regular said they were greasy and similar to rat in flavor. (he was a wierd guy)
now that is enough to make me puke...eatin a rat...:yuck:
Rat......Squirrel.....either way,they're both rodents.
Thanks for ruining Christmas.
With Alvin, Theodore, Simon (and a visiting cousin) in your belly, the factories that make planes that loop-the-loop and hula-hoops will be forced to close, putting hundreds of people out of jobs. I hope you're happy! :beatyoass:
Holy .
Dammit claude. I seriously want to shoot something. I got bb-guns... But no 22. So you should let me shoot stuff. And stuff. And things.
Be a man. Buy a .45.:grinno:
You heartless fool....
You should've runned over 'em with yer car!!!
.22?? heck no! We be usin 12guages!
You'd have nothing left to eat if you used a 12 guage! DAYUM!!!
Trow a few bunnies in wit dem dare sqwills and ya gots a yummy dinnah!!!
They're just taking a nap, right? :(;)
They're taking the "after dinner nap" now, hahahaha
Guess what Claude, deer season starts next weekend here...;)
Reminds me of a squirrel version of the Beatles on Abbey Road. :giggle:
Shooting squirles with a 12 guage? Isn't that a bit of overkill?:grinno:
Daddy used to say, "If you're too sick to eat squirrel you're going to die."
Went out and killed some old electronic exuipment a couple weeks ago, took the old single shot and semi-auto .22's. My friend, his gf, and my gf had never fired a gun before, it was fun.
R.I.P. old pentium 1's
Yeah buddy!
im going out on the weekend of the 17th. i cant wait! im getting on this year. i dont care what it is. if the weekend is going bad sunday afternoon will be tree rat day
Deer season started a week and a bit ago here. I actually shot a very nice buck today during the first measurable snowfall. Unfortunately it got dark before I could find it :( The thing had at least 10 points (I could see 'em quite clearly through the scope). I'm absolutely certain I hit it (knocked it over, as a matter of fact, then it got up and ran). I followed a trail of blood for almost a quarter mile into the woods (and found several pools) before it got too dark to search any further.
I'll be going back first light tomorrow morning with two friends to continue my search. I've got one thing going against me (it continued snowing lightly for several hours after the shot), but a few things going for me (I had a GPS device, so I set a waypoint at the last point I found blood, and the pooled blood indicates that the deer is bleeding badly so it likely died shotly after hiding). The weather is cold, too, so the deer should be alright until I find it (no rotting/bloating, etc)
Wish me luck tomorrow...
i had one get away from me a coupla years ago...i was huntin a "crick" bottom...knocked a smallish buck down...he got up and hauled ass before i could hit him again, he hobbled about 40 yrds to the next place, where there was some tall grass/brush, and got on it, and got lost...bad thing is, the blood petered out, so i was probably close to him.
It was a hot day too, almost 60, as well as the next day, so i'm sure the meat didnt last long...
sucks..but...coyotes gotta eat, ya know..
Good luck finding yours!
btw...what do ya use?...I got an old 1917 .303 British, or else a brand new New England .45-70..i like the British for it's power, and accuracy, but i like the light weight of the 70, although it's a single shot.
Boys want some big buck with big racks go hunting out east on long island. Some say it’s not fair though, they say it’s like shooting fish in a barrel
Find'em eat'em :grinno:
Unfortunately I'm just back from eight hours of solid thrashing through wet snow covered woods with bad news: The search was unsuccessful. It had continued to snow last night, and as such all tracks and blood were covered by snow. I used my GPS to find where I had last found blood and the three of us fanned out in search, but after eight extremely difficult hours of thrashing through thick brush, snow covered branches, and even slogging through a swap, we came up empty handed. Whether the deer survived do not know, but he got away from me and I'm absolutely sick about it. Sick because a very nice deer is either rotting in the woods or slowly dying, sick because I had myself so amped up over shooting such a nice specimen... just plain al around sick. This is the first time I've ever shot a deer and it got away, and of course it had to happen to the biggest one I've ever shot. I tell you, it has completely removed any desire for me to hunt again, although I'm sure in a few days the desire wil return. Meantime I'm taking a break from all of it...
what times dinnner?? i can already taste it. hmmmmmmmmmm. lol
Well someone somewhere is eatin' good tonight.
Dont get to discouraged, go kill some targets, bottles, etc and you'll be ready to go again.