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Messages - cougarmonster

Vendor/Seller Feedback / a positive for thesoldan
I bought an anolog cluster from him and it looks great. I sent the cash through paypal and barely two days later I had a package on my front porch.:D
Lounge / How many cars have you owned?
Hmmm... Cars I've owned...

1. 86 chevy celebrity ($200)
2. 87 audi 4000s (gift, this car was a lot of fun)
3. 86 olds cutlass ($500)
4. 87 escort ($150)
5. 87 s10 (another gift)
6. 89 dodge omni ($150)
7. 87 crown vic ($150)
8. 92 beretta ($550)

My current vehicles...

9. 91 corolla ($250)
10. 94 crown vic ($700, this is my second favorite ride so far.)
11. 88 cougar ls ($750, this is my baby:D )

I think that's everything. I've been driving legally for 9 years now.
Lounge / whats your cylinder index?
Quote from: Demented2.3T
How about shared cylinders, borrowed cylinders, stored cylinders, or stolen cylinders? NOT APPLICABLE!

LOL. What about lock cylinders?
Drivetrain Tech / Hard to select gears on an AOD
Be careful with that plastic clamp, as they do seem to be rather easy to snap. I broke mine, but then again, I'm a spaz. :flip:  That hose clamp idea is a good one though.
Lounge / whats your cylinder index?

88 cougar- 6
86 302- 8 (this one is still on the stand waiting to go in the cat)
87 crown vic- 8
94 crown vic- 8
92 beretta- 4
91 corolla- 4
lawnmower- 1
go kart- 1
grand total- 40
As of May 3rd, I will have been in this world for a whopping 27 years! But it looks like I'm ahead of the game.
Engine Tech / Running 6 quarts of oil?
Is it true that as the crank comes into contact with the oil (due to overfill) that it can actually cause the crank to erode?
Lounge / Carfax Reports.
Wow! That was fast! Carfax says I'm the third owner. Turns out my car started in Alabama, where it was involved in a front end collision.:yuck:  Then it went to Tennessee, then to New York, then back to Alabama again before coming home to rest in New York.

Thanks again for the info man!
Electrical Tech / G*DDAM*NED seat
88turbo, I sent you a PM.

I bought my car from a little old lady so when I got it the seat was pushed all the way up and of course inoperative. I managed to jump it to get it back but I would much rather have manual seats as opposed to fixing these.
Lounge / Hostel - Opinions?
I thought Kill Bill vol.1 and 2 were awsome. Everytime I'm flippin' through the channels and I come across it, I just get sucked into watching the whole thing.