I've done some research here and can't get a straight answer, I installed a new ISC on my car because its chugging, and has random loss of power, running rich etc... When I put the car into test mode I hear buzzing and clicking for a second but the ISC doesn't retract so that I can properly adjust it, as far as pulling codes my test light wouldn't fit into the port so I have to wait until I get home.. Few things I've read it could possibly be: bad EEC(bad ground, no power etc..), possibly a failed TSP? Just want to get my ducks in a row here, try and diagnose correctly instead of throwing parts. Any help is appreciated, thanks everyone.
So just purchased a 1987 T-Bird with the 3.8l. Put a new alternator in it, pushing 14 volts to the battery while running, but the amp light warning is on in the dash. Anybody got any ideas what it could be?