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Messages - johnny

Engine Tech / Engine mounts
Are both the left and right side engine mounts the same in 1988 cougar :rollin:
Engine Tech / putting a new 5.0 out of a 88 cat into.a 87 cat with dash and py 5.0
So the harness on the 87 is in fair condition and the 1988 is like new its just that my 88 in my prifile pic was stolen bent frame and core support pretty bad.but all im doing is swapping engines their both 5.0 i hope it will work out i really dont want to sell these cars.cant i just use the 88 ecu and harness.???if i do that i may as well take out the whole dash and get rid of all thedigital bs i hate it but oh well i guess ill see what happens  and look into it some more
Engine Swapping / need help here cougar xr7 5.0 engine swap
Im putting a 90k 5.0 out of my 1988 cougar into a 1987 that also has a 5.0 .the 88 has all anolog dash n heat.the 1987 is digital dash and electronic heat unit.anyways the issue im having is the engine harness out of the 87 looks a bit difforent then the.88.what will i do to get this cat going.please help asap