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Messages - BGlad

Drivetrain Tech / soft pedal after rear disc conversion.
I remember reading somewhere that the 86 and 87 Turbo Coupes had a smaller master cylinder than the 88.  I just finished putting in a four wheel disc into my 88 LX and used a 88 proportioning valve.  I posted a  question as to the part number to see if it was indeed from a Turbo Coupe.
Body/Appearance/Interior / Stock Car decals?
I went to a Busch North series race and after the race they had a trailer that was passing out complete sets of decals.  Might want to try getting them there or at the vendors trailers at one of the races.
Suspension/Steering / Proportioning Valve
Would anybody know if this part number is for a 88 Turbo Coupe? The part number on the valve is:  SURF 148-8      E7SC-2B091-BB.  Thanks.
Drivetrain Tech / proportioning valve
OK, thanks.  I have a TC prop valve.  The fittings are hard to match as I went to several auto parts store trying to get adapters.  Guess I'll go to Napa as I have to go there anyway to get the rest of my e-brake cables.  Which is another problem, finding the front cable.  I have the rear two, and I have to weld a fitting on the drivers side which I got from the junk yard.  Hard trying to find TC's in the junk yard anymore.
Drivetrain Tech / proportioning valve
What I meant was using the stock LX proportioning valve and pulling the guts out of the front.  I know FRPP sells a plug for the front.  They sell the part in the Summit catalog.  I was having problems trying to find fittings for the TC valve.  Guess I should check a few more auto parts stores........
Drivetrain Tech / Synthetic Lubes
Does anyone use synthetic lubes in their trans and rears?  Was wondering about about problems such as seal leakage.