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Messages - Go Roush

Misc Tech / blower motor removal
Got it out just had to remove whole dash and loosen a few bolts on dash braces on left side and it came out only about 4 hrs in and out.
Misc Tech / blower motor removal
Need to remove blower motor on my 83 turbo coupe, any destructions available anywhere, any help would be greatly appreciated  Thanks
Engine Tech / 5.0 not running
Have a 5.0 HO in my bird and it will not run or even start.
I have changed the ign. module because it was bad, but still no start. I put a fuel pressure tester on it and I get 40 lbs of pressure when I try to start it, but it loses the pressure after it sits for just a short while. Wondering if anyone has any idea what my problem may be. Thanks in advance.