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Messages - beachbumtroy

General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / manual
appreciate the replies guys rims look good in the pic i`ll go take a few and post em today,and thnx for the manual offer but i`ll just wait aint in no hurry and dont want to tie urs up,and im always going to be looking for some type of chrome shiny rims got a thing for those im not into the aluminum mags that came on em. thnx
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / manual
is it just the owners manual or repair manual? which one and how much to st.pete,florida 33713? thnx and email me for some reason i couldnt email u
Audio & Other Aftermarket Electronics / antenna
i was pretty sure i had to do it that way just without a manual i wasnt sure but thnx for the info and quick reply i`ll do it today. thnx bb
Audio & Other Aftermarket Electronics / 87 turbo coupe antenna question?
hey guys as u probably knowe i just got an 87 turbo bird,and the antenna needs replacing and im working on a manual but until then can u tell me or direct me to diagrams showing how to remove the old antenna? i mean do u have to take off the fender well and do it that way or how? thnx for any and all help as this is my new project :)
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / manual
lol thats a good link but not to the owners manual although i will keep that for the future any links to the owners manual? thnx bb
Misc Tech / door keypad question
found it thnx :) now any leads on a free pdf download to the owners manual? figured i`d try
Misc Tech / code
thnx for the reply and info i`ll go look now and let u know if i found it thnx bb
Misc Tech / door keypad question
hey just got a 1987 turbo coupe and it has a door keypad was wondering if u knew where to get the combo for it? i once heard it might be in the trunk but dont see it? and i have another post but no answer yet,can u lead me to a pdf download for the owners manual also? thnx bb its a 1987 tbird turbo coupe thnx again
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / hey guys newbie with a manual question?
1st of all glad i found this site,just got an 87 tbird turbo coupe and was wondering if u can lead me to a pdf file for the owners manual for the car? like i said i just got it yesterday and will posts pics shortly,any thing else i should know or look out for? common problems and so on,thnx in advance for any and all help. bb