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Messages - rshingler

Misc Tech / Engine Start Issues
My stock 1986 TC has some odd problems starting at times. It just turns over and doesn't fire. It happens whether or not it has sat for a day or two, or for only 4 hours. It use to do it only once every month or two, and always would start after a few cranks... but it now happens every day or two and the last time it wouldn’t start all day (tried it 4 separate times), then the next morning... Bam. It started right up...
Any ideas/suggestions?
Body Repair/Metal Work/Painting / Regatta Blue Touchup
Hello all,

My 86 TC paint needs some small spots fixed. I'm planning on painting it this winter but don't want the surface rust to get worst. My questions is has anyone found a car color (spray can) from manufacturers that is close?