I know that they have the super over priced sets, but i think i remember a set that fit a cleavland or 351W that fit the 3.8s and were like $150 like all the other pedestal rocker sets
I searched and searched but i couldn't find which roller rockers fit the pedestal mount 3.8L engines? Someone told me but i forgot. I tryed to put the ones i got for my 99 5.0 engine on it and they didnt fit.
I do not run an EGR on my carb 3.8 but mainly i got rid of it cause it was extreamly restrictive with giant tubes running through the intake and the hoses got all in my way. The bolt that held the pump on striped and i smacked it off with a mini sledge haha. I cut that part of the bracket off when i rebuilt. I'm still running a cat, but i'm not sure if its doing too much ive been thinking about getting rid of it.
On electric controled engines though EGRs are supposed to add a little more power, better gas milage and so on
All my parts come tommarow for the bird, plan is to start work on it saturday. I got to get it all together and running before i plot my big trans swap. Mainly i'm getting a new cooling system and a bunch of little parts. I forgot to order an air cleaner though i beleave i have one out in the garge till i can get something nice looking. I'll start a build thread with some pics.
I'm looking for a way to get rid of the molding on my car it’s hideous. I've done plenty of fiberglass work including my cowl hood. I need some ideas of what might fit; I was hoping someone else had done it already . Any advice?