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Messages - nick302

Body/Appearance/Interior / Wheels?
lol well its what i need cuz no one makes our stock bolt pattern anymore, so ill check into the 5 lug swap

EDIT: Searched for 10 mins straight, cannot find one fourm dedicated to doing a five lug, so if someone could point me in the right direction or let me know what all is needed...then that would be great, thanx again guys
Engine Tech / hello, new guy
well i replaced pump, strainer, and filter, didnt drill for the 02's and it runs like a champ, thanx for you help guys, sorry it took so long to get back
Engine Tech / hello, new guy
ok, i got a code 11, but if after i start it, hold it at 3 grand, you can hear the computer make adjustments and then it will run fine all day im more confused then i was, and it is running fine without the o2 i said, its now just when i start it up that it struggles to keep goin'
Engine Tech / hello, new guy
no,i am not, i was checking it with it on the aftermarket motorcraft check valve at the begging of the engine, so would that be part of my prolem then? thanx again, id love to see my tbird on the road here in a couple of days
Engine Tech / hello, new guy
well i found something out, the gauge i was using rest at 10 and i only had 30psi! is that enuff to run it well or no?
Engine Tech / now what!?
i went to take it off the lift at work, its 4 arms on the side, with the bump underneath, now it wont even get up that drove in and it will start shaking and die, any other ideas, no new codes
Engine Tech / hello, new guy
no, i have about 40psi @ the rail tho, i put a new exhaust on it, all the way back, put a coil on it, and now it will sit and idle all day but as soon as i give it gas, it dies out, i think its throttle position sensor, im trying that today. i also replaced the IAC motor, do those need to be reset on our foxbirds?
Engine Tech / nop
i don't think i need it, i found my prob, im pushing 10-15PSI fuel pressure, im going to replace the pump and see if thats the prob :)
Engine Tech / hello, new guy
no codes, no code 11, none, it just says "no codes stored" after i turn the ignition off...