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Messages - ShowBoy

Lounge / Happy Boxing Day
Quote from: ShowBoy;426281
...(other than knowing some real cool people who live up there).

Quote from: Chrome;426398
Did u mean cold people?

From what I'm seeing on Accuweather (etc), then YES!!!  Really, really cold people.

Check out this Brrrrrrrrrrr LINK!
Lounge / Happy New Year to All
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Happy[/COLOR] (belated) [COLOR="#FF0000"]New Year!!![/COLOR][/B]

My cat and I watched the Moon Pie descend (Mobile Alabama) and then I fell asleep.  Gee, aren't I just the party animal?
Lounge / Happy Boxing Day
Quote from: White85GS;426282
I've heard about Boxing Day, but I don't quite understand it.

From what I understand, this started waaay back in the day with wealthy people who had servants.  Since the servants would have to work on Christmas Day, they were given the day after Christmas off ---- and their employers would give them a gift in a BOX ---- hence Boxing Day. 

I'm not sure if that story is true ---- but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Lounge / Happy Boxing Day

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Happy Boxing Day!!![/COLOR]

To answer any unasked questions:

-- Nope, I'm not Canadian;
-- Ummm, I've only been to Canada once; and
-- Other than living in the country south of it, I have no real connection to Canada (other than knowing some real cool people who live up there).
Events & Shows / Mercuryville 2013
Thanks Dan.  It's starting to look kinda doubtful that I'm going to get to go ---- but ya never know.