I decided to mount it under the drivers fender. It doesn't look to bad or ghetto. LOL As for not using an electric gauge, I already have this one laying around.
I performed a search and did not find any threads or pictures to what I am after.
For reference, my car is an 86 "Elan". I'm so fancy LOL I know the hood goes over our cowl areas, however has anyone installed a fuel pressure gauge on the cowl? If so, how did you do it and still be able to open the hood? I'll take any pictures of both cowl and hood mounted gauges.
I've performed a search and only came up with 2 threads with the reference to "tunnel Ram". Has anyone put a tunnel ram on their car? If so, do you have pictures of how far through the hood the carbs stick?
If pulling with the tranny attached then I don't see why it would have to come off. I left my starter attached and it came out just fine.
I do not know the official name of the plate that goes where the carb does. I have used those many of times, but not pulling a engine/tranny combo. Only engines by themselves.
Slowly but surely it turned into a 1960 Falcon (factory) 2 dr wagon. I was told it was a local racer from back in the 60's and 70's. The tags expired in 1976. The odometer show only 56876 mile on it. Amongst the old paint job you can make out the old name on the car "Sneaky Pete" and on the tail gate "Sheridan Shaker". Can make out some flames as well and the pit crews names are there too. Still has the cage in it to boot. I'm gonna try to do some more back ground on the car and see what I can find.
So that means that my 289/C4 combo I was planning on putting in the t-bird will now be going into this. I want to set this up as a gasser.
So now I have the t-bird up for sale. Let me know your thoughts an opinions.
I was looking for a Fairmont when I ended up with my t-bird. The neighbor has a Farimont wasting away in their driveway (along with a few other cars) and they had no desire to sell it. s!!
Holy smokes batman!!! I removed the heater box today, what a pain in the !!! I feel sorry for those that have had to do a heater core or blower motor replacement. I also like how Ford hid two studs behind the air dryer.