OK everyone ive searhced through the forums and have found arguments for both sides of the spectrum, are real HID kits safe to use in our cars or will it melt something? And if not, how do i make it work now that a kit is on its way to my doorstep. Thank you!:D
Well my 87 turbo coupe is at it again, it was over heating at one point because the temp sensor was not kicking on the fan, so i fixed that and it was "better" as in it was maybe a quarter below hot when it was sitting still. Now its doing it all over again, like the fan wont kick on, one of them will turn on when i turn on the a/c, but what els could it be? The fan itself?
I searched for some good ideas on this but came up pretty empty, whats the best way to approach this on a 1987 thunderbird turbo coupe. On my old alero i could just spray down the bay with engine degreaser and hose it down but i know times changed alot from 87 to 99. So besides the painstaking tooth brush/degreaser approach ive been doing what else is safe to do. Everything else on my car is sqeaky clean (even the underbody) except for the bay and its killing me.
OK, well my cars finally running well after fighting it for a week. But now if it idles for more than a min or two itll spudder buck and die, but itll fire right back upo and idle for a while again before it dies. Its not dieng at like stoplights, its more like your stuck n the taco bell drive through for 5 min( ) then it dies. Also when your in park or neutral and rev it past say 3k itll die on its way back down. I ordered a IAC valve from my work but i wanna know what it could be before i drop 60 bucks on the wrong part. It also idles at about 1200 when i thought i read it should be 900ish
OK i bought the wireing harness for the t/c ad the installation kit and hooked it all up and now the radio will turn on and stuff but it does not put sound out through the speakers. OK i have the premium sound system and i read your suppost to unhook the amp and your suppost to to un plug that stock grey plug from inside the dash and plug in the new aftermakarket harness. OK one thats false, there is nothing to unplug beside the stock radio plugs and i un hooked the amp in the back and i still have the same problem! Ehat do i do!
OK i was looking at the intake on the t/c today to try and see what i need to piece together a cone filter set up. It looked like just calmping a cone down to the MAF but then i noticed a hose comming off the intake inbetween the oval air box and the maf, it went down to a box that looked like on line came out of it and to the passenger side wheel, what is it and is it important
Lovely.... I was reading you could use a 2.0 housing with some thing but i dont even know what fords had 2.0s and were rwd! Im normally good that this stuff, i feel dumb right about now.