No problem bring his computer to the shop and we will get him connected. Your laptop is setup through your business domain and is limited to what access you have as far as networking.
HA! Good answer CougerSE, But unless you uninstall the resident shield it is still installed in the IE folder and can still cause conflicts on certain pages.
When you installed Spybot you installed a SD helper for internet explorer which blocks some pages from loading properly. You cannot disable this feature after it is installed, but you can uninstall spybot and reinstall without installing the SD-Helper uncheck the tea timer also or it will drive you crazy with registry change alerts.
Hard drive will start getting read errors now and eventually burn the tip off the reading arm. Sounds like the PC was getting hot(the foul oder you were smelling) check memory chips and cpu. even if your hard drive was bad the computer would still boot up and give you a error reading drive c:/
AVG antivirus from and microsoft anti-spyware from Both programs are free and update on a regular basis. I use both of these in my shop and on clients pc's. One note microsofts anti-spyware will only work on win 2000 and newer.For the older operating systems i recommend spybot.