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Topics - mcb82gt

Engine Tech / 2.3 intercooler questions
My brother has a 85 XR7.  He was toying with the idea of putting on a 88 TC hood.  It got us wondering what the complexity of putting a TC intercooler in also?

What support brackets are "needed"
Will the intercooler inlet fit with the T3
Is the performance even worth it etc.....

Has anybody done it and have input??
Lounge / Furnace problem... my family is very lucky
Awoke a few days ago at 1:30 AM to a tremendous boom noise, I figured it was a shotgun or gun shot around somewhere (it was loud enough to make me jump in bed).  I looked around outside and all was normal and I go back to bed. 

3 days later, (Fri).  I get off work and go to throw my 18 pack of Bud in the Fridge in the basp00get.  I notice the top cover to my funace laying about 4 feet out on the floor. The Train emblem is knocked off also.  Disclaimer....I know very little about HVAC....  I notice the sealed combustion chamber is blown apart at the top and the air intake pipe for the furnace is blown off the top and pen 15ed off to the side.  I call the company that installed my funace to check it out.

Long story short, my 7 year old Traine furnace that was pretty much top of the line when I bought it, is destroyed.

The lucky part is my family is OK, the thing was putting out 1600 on the carbon monoxide , it should be like 10 or less.  When they did the annual furnace check a few days before the incident.. the reading was Zero.  My wife and everyone had been feeling "funny", nonspecific type symptoms(Headaches and mild stomach stuff).  I think it makes sense now.

Fri night was a very cold night here in Kansas, we had NO heat.

Im not sure what is going to happen, but they called me the next day (SAT) 8AM and had rounded up a crew and new furnace and parts came out and installed a new furnace for me (no payment) and said Traine was very likely to owe me a new furnace.  I guess this type of failure is supposed to be "impossible".  Installer told me there are 9 safety checks to fail to allow this to happen on these new high effiency furnaces.  My old one was 93%, this new one was 95%.

Trane took the old furnace and probably reverse engineering it. LOL

I guess Im just sharing and throwing this out there, PLEASE everyone be safe and get a Carbon Monoxide detector. It may save you and your family's life.
Site Suggestions / Maybe its just me
Are the scrolling signatures annoying to anyone else?

Reading down through a thread and BANG, you hit the scrolling sig. Keep rolling the wheel and power through it. :shakeass:
Body/Appearance/Interior / redid my intake plaque
I got one of the HO plates Ive always wanted.  My friend gave it to me for free.:D

I repainted it and cleaned it up and put it on.  I think the red dot looks pretty good.
Engine Tech / I think I see big hassle in my future
Ive been noticing coolant on the concrete under my car. :yuck:  Ive narrowed it down to coming out of the AC condensation drain on the firewall. :barf: Im sure this means heater core.  Is there any other possibilities?  Please tell me there is..... :shoothead

The heater hoses are all perfectly dry above it.