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Topics - grutinator

Engine Tech / how much more power?
it seems like switching your stock 5.0 to a HO 5.0 is a fairly popular thing to do. but it also sound pretty difficult, i wasnt sure if its really worth your time, money and effort. how much more power does a HO make compared to a stock engine? just curious, its something i never knew.
Body/Appearance/Interior / stock bodykits?
my cougar is a 1988 XR-7 and i've never seen one like mine in real life, and when i do a google search, i can only find four other 88's with body kits, but they are the same EXACT looking kit, does anyone know if in 1988 Mercury had a special package i dont know about that has a body kit, because its too weird of a coincidence that four out of four 88 cougars that have body kits have the same ones, and do u know if my car is any rarer or more valuable because of it? heres a pic of one of the ones that looks like mine.