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Messages - quicksilver

Lounge / finaly found new rims
lol, its the color that makes the rims unique within themselves!
plus those rims are just pretty dang cool looking, i couldnt pass them up! i'll be getting them christmas!! :) so its going to be awhile, but thats ok.

carpimp: i'll have to see how much shipping would cost to see if its even worth it. who much they way, you might just be better off buying rims of ebay. but i'll get back at you when i figure it out.
Lounge / new gun ban
ok, first of all, alot of stuff can kill a person, knives, arrows and so forth, so banning guns wont stop anything, criminals will keep doing what they do.
second thing is, with the HUGE gun tax on guns and ammo, criminals STEAL the guns from eachother and from law biding people, so putting a HUGE gun tax on guns and ammo will really only effect the law biding people.
but i think with all the people this will effect, all those people will get outraged and protest and such, so we will just have to see if the banns and taxes actually accure and for how long they last.
Lounge / finaly found new rims
i've been looking for new rims for awhile ( i let my mom drive my car when i was gone hunting last year and i come back and see road rash on all 4 rims), and i think i found a set finally!
what do you guys think?

im going with a black and silver for a color scheme( black molding, black 5.0 emblems and so on)
Lounge / dream cars?!?!
what car is your dream car?

mine is reasonably cheap for a dream car, but mine is a 03-04 SVT cobra terminator. i absolutly love these cars. the first time i laid my eyes on one was at church. My paster owns one. he talks about how fast it is and how is speeds (just up to the speed limit) around in it.. it makes me smile! :)
Misc Tech / thicker oil?
ok, i appreciate your guys input. after reading what you guys had to say. i figure im going to stay with 10-40 oil. it gets cold up where i live and i drive my car to college at 7:30am, so the average temp is 30 degrees in the winter in the morning. plus my motor is slowly going down hill anyways. so im trying to make it last.....
so thank you for help. its greatly appreciated!!
Misc Tech / thicker oil?
i heard one way to get rid of knocking is to add thicker oil. a shop added thicker oil to the GTP and the knock went away. but is it safe for a motor with 170,000 miles on it?
Electrical Tech / HID lights?
i have HID light conversion on my GTP and its a huge difference in brightness. i was just wondering if anybody has heard anything about if they make the conversion kit for our cars.