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Messages - SLEEPER T-BIRD 87

User Rides / Re: a few pics of my birds
Quote from: dominator
Dude that 4 banger was done you so should have just fixed it and left it in there,o well to each his own.
Just curious but what's up with the cobra r's on the right side and bullit's on the left side?

User Rides / Re: a few pics of my birds
Quote from: darkthunder
O_o! That one bird is teh nekkids!!! :D Seriously though, nice collection. Say, aren't you from

thanks,  i spend alot of time over at turboford  and :D
User Rides / Re: a few pics of my birds
Quote from: 88cat
Are you gonna sell the parts of the turbocoupe? Like the holset turbo? thanks man lmk.

yes, id o have a few things still for sale p/m with what you are looking for i may be able to help
User Rides / Re: a few pics of my birds
Quote from: 88cat
Wow what does that TurboCoupe with the holset turbo run? You have some nice rides and ideas. Keep up the good work.

funny that you ask this  , the last time it was out before it expired it ran an 8.901 @86 mph 2.57 60 ft time on motor, car had been mid 7's on 50 shot,before and had slowed sinificantly .That was what had made my desicion to finnally do the motor swap i had been putting off for so long 6.0's here we come :D

i hope to get a few pics up of the motor swap soon :D
User Rides / Re: a few pics of my birds
Quote from: amooset
Why is your "beater" car the only one with a decent paint job?

decent? pics make it look good it is 1.99 spray bomb from doors forward
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / Re: 255 walbro fuel pump
running one currently

had a small install problem such as yours i modifyed the sock to fit .very easy to do

i bent the tabs on the new "replacement" sock inward to grip more on the pump then pushed it up tight to the pump

note: the supplied sock will not work . go to the parts store for a correct replacement
User Rides / Re: a few pics of my birds
Quote from: 30thtbird
would you look at the size of that thing!the turbo that is.awesome.does your beaterhave the tc disc rear under it?

no it has a 3.73 geared 7.5 with 10 inch drums :D
User Rides / Re: Big Ugly Wagon
you have a p/m 

heres a  pic of my old 70 torino  not the best pic in the world
User Rides / a few pics of my birds
figured id share some pics  with you guys

here is my 87 turbo coupe it is currently in the middle of a 429/c-6 swap