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Messages - dustytheredneck

Misc Tech / Keypad module location?
would the auto door lock when place in gear work on any of the 83-88 car, or was it only during certain years...... my 88 don't auto-lock...... could something be wrong with it if its suppose to?
Audio & Other Aftermarket Electronics / Need help installing an aftermarket radio.....
The big red wire? I am almost positive it is the factory ground.  My car had the wire and I didn't realize it until the antenna decided it would be the ground for the radio..... otherwise I managed to hook my deck up to factory amp in the car, kinda wish my car had the EQ option........ Hope you figure it out
Misc Tech / Keypad module location?
Yea.... after you put the code in,within a few seconds, press the 3/4 button to unlock the passenger door.......also within a few seconds of the code, pushing the 5/6 button will pop the can use either one or both but like I said within 1 - 5 second after entering the any time with or with out the code you can lock the doors by pushing both 7/8 and 9/0 buttons.  There is a way to change or add another 5 numerical code but I never messed with it and I don't have an owners manual to the car.  Hope you get the hang of the keypad, I use mine all the time
LEADS on T-Bird/Cougar Stuff For Sale / ultra rare 84 Supercoupe tbird
I just got to thinking, I thought Ford started putting superchargers in on in '89 on the Tbird supercoupes and Cougar XR7.......did they experiment with it in 84 or would it have been aftermarket if the car had it.......I though I read all this time that the '83 - '88 generation only had the turbo charged cars.    Am I Mistaken or right?
Drivetrain Tech / Somethings up with my transmission
I personally have never heard of a t-3, but I'm taking its an automatic transmission you have......... the first thing I think of is the T.V. cable on an aod, or something wrong with the vacuum system on.....what is it.... c4, c5, or a c6 auto transmission.  I'm sure someone here on the site will be able to help, and if you can, try to figure out what transmission you have in your car cause that will help alot knowing where to start to determine whats wrong......  Best of luck and hope the problem gets solved!!
Misc Tech / Keypad module location?
do you know about the passenger door unlock, trunk release, and how to lock the doors with the number pad?
Misc Tech / Keypad module location?
my 88 was in the trunk..... had to remove the cover in the trunk that hides the bottom of the rear speakers and back of the seat...... then on the metal tray should be a bolt or two to remove and it should swing down........ once thats down you should see a module or 2 and on one of them should be a sticker with 5 numbers, ie 13597...... there's your code...... I'll post a couple pics. as my phone works
Drivetrain Tech / bushing for aod??
Thanks for the info!!!  during my looking I also did have the brass bushing idea but i have no way to make one and Lowes didnt have anything that would work, but stuff either a hair too big or too small..... Bruce, if you do get a chance to make and sell some bushings, let me know please. THat sounds like it would hold up better than plastic in the long run
Drivetrain Tech / bushing for aod??

Since i bought my cougar i've been looking for a bushing for the t.v. cable.......I'm not looking for the one on the throttle body, I need the one where it bolts to the side of the transmission. I've checked at Autozone, O-rileys, and the local transmission shop and no one seem to have or know what Im talking about, and the ford dealer said it was no longer in production...  For now i have a piece of rubber and a spring makeshift job to keep the car on the road since its my D.D.

Any ideas other than searching junkyard?      (hope the picture works)
Drivetrain Tech / AOD it almost dead?
planned on it.....since it happened, I've been using "D" unless I get up to 70 on the highway....I'm still getting 22+ mpg so untill i get it fixed, I'm happy for the moment
Drivetrain Tech / AOD it almost dead?
didnt think of that.....if i can get it to last the next couple weeks, I think i may limp it up to michigan and replace the trans......hopefully it lasts long enough

btw....nice tbird 347thunder
Engine Tech / idle question
On my 88 cougar with 5.0, it like to randomly (while parked or while driving with normal temp, oil, and volts) idle up to about 1500 - 1800 rpm......... I'll unplug the idle control motor/sensor and it idles down.

Is there a ghost in my computer or is the IAC motor need cleaning or replaced?

Thank You
Drivetrain Tech / AOD it almost dead?
I just bought myself another cougar to replace my 85 88 cougar with 5.0 and aod with about 139,000 miles......since the begining I've had issues with it shifting. The guy before me just changed the trans. fluid and filter. So I bought it, started to drive it home, shift were high like 3500 rpm, and I didn't have overdrive half of my trip (aprox. 45 minutes so far). Stoped and got gas, got back on the highway and the car foud overdrive after 62 mph. Made it home, almost 2 hr trip

Next day adjusted the tv cable and got it up-shifting real good. Then while in overdrive, I tried to pass, hit the gas and the downshift sounded if I was grinding gears on a stick shift......let off the gas and it returned to overdrive...if I try again and floor it, it will "grind" for a moment then find 3rd or 2nd gear...also some times I hear it do the same thing when shifting into 3rd when in "D". The other gears shift fine

My question (s) is what might be wrong with it? it basicly dead and time for a rebuild or replacement?....and could it be anything simple like a sticky valve?

One more note, the previous guy overfilled the transmission by almost a half gallon. I'm almost certain he wasn't a car guy