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Messages - turboranger91

Lounge / Hey Check THis out!!!
that looks like a hell of a deal.  i say go for it.

Quote from: Cougar5.0;218140
Stimulous? What stimulous?

you know... the $1500 that i'll be getting back soon.:shakeass:  married with a kid rocks!!
Lounge / i'm in trouble now, lol.
but the look on peoples faces when you run a 13sec or better in a 3600lb. car with a four cylinder is even better.
Lounge / i'm in trouble now, lol.
i'll make you a deal... i'll mod it, but i'll keep all the stock parts.  that way if i ever want to put it back to stock or i sell it, it can be a stock car again.  sound fair?  please?... it's just too much fun to make them fast.
Lounge / i'm in trouble now, lol.
i've had the ranger now for almost 10 years.  it's been a turbo ranger for about 4.5 of those years.  the truck isn't anywhere close to stock and is a blast.... when it's running, lol.  now i've got the turbocoupe running REALLY well for a 98% stock car... and it's time to tinker.  i've put quite a bit of money into the truck and now i'm about to do the same to the car.  what's wrong with me?  the whole idea was to daily drive the tc, and now i'm wanting to start modding it.  i have a sickness, i tell ya!  is there some sort of support group for this sort of thing?  lol.

anyway, just thought i'd share my happiness of having two vehicles that started as daily drivers, but didn't (won't, in the case of the tc) stay that way for long.  i need to buy a yugo or something to daily.  something that i won't be tempted by the turbo gods to mod.

also included is the first picture i've taken of my car in a long time.

User Rides / Major Milestone for me today.
that's awesome!  i hope to be able to say that about my truck someday.  i've already had it for almost 10 years.  i'm now on my 6th turbocoupe and the one i've got now is the 87 that tc2 had.  this is one of the nicest ones i've owned and i've got no intentions of getting rid of it.  a buddy of mine asked me a few weeks ago what my next car was going to be and i told him that he was looking at it.  i love my car and my truck and plan on having both for many many years to come.
Engine Tech / Temp. Oil pressure drop
my old n/a 2.3 that was in my ranger did that.  there was debris in the pan and it clogged the screen on the pick up.  i ended up cleaning it out and selling the motor.... that's when i did the turbo motor swap.
Lounge / anyone watch the big game?
way to go jayhawks!  ncaa champs!  incredible game... so close.  both teams played extremely well.