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Messages - Crazy88

Lounge / Someone lost their mind on this one!!
Quote from: jcassity;398017
...there is a magical fix, there always is.

There is no "magic fix".  To correct the fiscal tsunami coming our way, there is going to be pain and suffering.  There is going to be death and destruction and there is going to be weeping and "gnashing of teeth".  There is no one size fits all magic formula that alleviates the problems without any discomfort whatsoever.  Anyone that that truly believes that needs to have their head examined. We, and I am using the collective national "we", have to top spending. PERIOD. End Of File.

National defense is a primary, authorized activity, but it can be judiciously cut back.  We are not the worlds policemen and trying to fulfill such a role puts our young men and women in harms way for no national interest and is patently unfair to be burdening these warriors with a mission that is counter to their training, purpose and common sense. We nee to upgrade weapons and systems, replacing worn out and antiquated equipment as necessary.  To accomplish this goal, we should be spending money on research and development with one goal, to keep our young men and women better protected and keep them alive longer.

We can't afford, nor should we try, to extract ANYONE from poverty by TAKING from those that work, only to GIVE it to those that don't.  Notice I used the word "don't" instead of "can't".  This is no accident, because there is a huge difference between someone that can't work due a physical or mental limitation and someone who doesn't work because of . I hear plenty of people who tell me, I can't work because I hurt my back... well, your ears and mouth seem to work just fine, how about answering a phone for a living, there are plenty of people doing just that who don't have physical challenges to overcome. We all know of famous people like Steven Hawking who, it can be argued, contributed greatly to society and perhaps even the world, in spite of their physical limitations, but there are millions more that have similar challenges that support themselves on  daily basis, making a living, paying taxes and having families... all without being a financial burden on their neighbors.

We have allowed this mess to continue over the last 100 years.  It is our fault, it is also our responsibility to do everything in our power to recover from these well meaning, but short sighted programs, which have done nothing but slowly bleed our fellow countrymen dry and make them slaves to the government, perhaps more specifically to those who believe that they are smarter than we are and want to tell us how to live, from our first to last breath... assuming we are allowed to take the first breath at all.
Suspension/Steering / no brakes!!!!
Quote from: jcassity;398021
...snits and grins

I had hear of sh*ts and giggles before and used it myself.  I love learning new things every day.  I think I'll start using snits and giggles in polite company from now on, thanks.
Engine Tech / Cam and firing order
Does anyone know where the ford part number for a cam is located?  The reason that I asked is that Dad doesn't want to pull the cam completely out just to check the part number, unless there is simply no other way.  Since this whole thing started he has spent over $700 in gasket sets alone.

General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / my tc hates 87 octane
Quote from: TurboCoupe50;397913
The four automatic '87-'88 TCs I owned never made more than 9-10 psi reguardless of where the switch was set, BCS was mostly there for looks...

Yeah Violet, being a 5-speed and with a Gillis boost valve routinely makes 15-18 lbs., just not squat in first. ;)
Lounge / Someone lost their mind on this one!!
Quote from: jcassity;397919
Do you think he would agree with the way Wal-Mart is handled today?
My guess would be no, not because they have been aggressive competitors, but because walmart sells mostly  made in China, Mexico and other low labor cost countries. But again, walmart could not do that, if... if Americans didn't demand cheap plentiful products.
Lounge / Someone lost their mind on this one!!
Quote from: shame302;397910
Unless you're GM, or Chrysler, or big banking.
I could not agree with you more strongly.  Every one of those companies SHOULD have gone out of business.  Would doing so have hurt those employees caught with their pants down,  without a doubt, but it would have been a lesson in life that they would not soon forget.  In the future, they would have found ways to cut out the things they wanted and do the best they could with the limited resources at their disposal.  Those that lived through the "great depression" learned that same lesson, but somehow failed to pass those lessons on to their children and grandchildren and..... here we are.

Quote from: shame302;397910
Business without ethics. Capitalism works on a leval playing field. Unfortunately it isn't one.
Capitalism depends upon the playing field being unlevel.  You build a better product, sell for a cheaper price, provide better service, etc.  None of those things unethical business practices. Graft, kickbacks and corruption are all unethical, but can you cite a single instance of that with regard to walmart?  Yes they undercut the prices of those mom & Pop stores using cheap merchandise made in China, but they could not do so if Americans were not so hellbent on buying the cheapest stuff, now could they. I will admit that things have changed within walmart since ol' Sam died, a man I knew personally...and his huntin' dogs. Back when he was alive, walmart grew because he sold American merchandise at a cheaper price by buying in bulk or buying lots of stuff that distributors had left over, much as he had done when he operated his Ben Franklin discount franchise... but that is not unethical behavior. 

Quote from: shame302;397910
The internet, cheap overseas labor and the selfish American who wants everything for nothing.

Walmart became a major force in the retail market long before the advent of the internet, cheap overseas labor... but he did capitalize on the last attribute you mentioned...but that is simply human nature and has been around for thousands of years.  Everyone wants to obtain what they need or want at the cheapest prices, including those that that can most afford to ignore the price tag.

Quote from: shame302;397910
UPR is a perfect example.
I have no experience with that company, but you obviously have.  Tell me about your experience... I will be happy to listen and maybe even learn something.
Lounge / Someone lost their mind on this one!!
Its called business, not welfare.  Companies MUST make a profit to stay in business and for the record, Gasoline prices are derived by the cost of oil on the open market, which is something that oil companies do NOT control.  Mom & Pop's have been forced out of business by giants like walmart through competition, just like it supposed to work.  Any business that cannot compete with its competitors, SHOULD go out of business.  Change and adapt or die, this is nothing new.  What stopped the mom and pops from expanding thier businesses before  walmart became the behemoth that it did? Are there lessons to be learned from that scenario, as a mom & pop business, you betcha... and if they are incapable of learning, then they deserve their fate.  Eventually, some other competitor is going to take walmarts place at the top of the heap and the cycle will continue.  Don't believe me, have a look at Sears & Robuck, Macy's or Gimball's.
Misc Tech / Carbon monoxide
Quote from: TOM Renzo;397880
Thats great but timing normally does not effect CO!!!!!

You are right Tom, of course. Timing itself can effect HC numbers, but slop in the valve train, can also leave unspent fuel which would result in higher than normal CO numbers.
Electrical Tech / How do these tie together?
Now that is a horse of an entirely different breed, let alone color.  The rear window defroster is a low current device anyway, unless there is something wrong with the wiring between the switch and the rear glass. I would think a short would blow the fuse, but without an EVTM, I could not begin to tell you where to start looking, other than to advise that you disconnect the leads to the rear defroster, hit the defrost switch and see if the gauge still acts the same way.  If so, it isn't the defroster itself, but more likely in the wiring or the defroster switch.  Of course, it could also be completely normal.  The way that the digital dash knows what to display is by voltage alone, so it could be that with the engine idling, the alternator simply isn't putting out enough current to operate everything and you see a voltage drop, which your particular cluster might be sensitive enough to display the change in voltage.
Electrical Tech / How do these tie together?
Quote from: softtouch;397874
A stalled or locked armature motor draws more current than a running motor. This extra load may cause a voltage shift that is affecting your oil gauge.
This my best guess.

If I recall correctly, such a failure would throw a code on your ETC display.  It has been almost a decade since I yanked the ETC out of my '88 LX, but I do recall it throwing a diagnostic code indicating a inop door.
Suspension/Steering / no brakes!!!!
If you "thumped" it a couple of times, then it either has at least some life in it, or the connections to the relay are the problem.  Try cleaning the connector contacts and the relay contacts.  I wouldn't drive the car with the relay bypassed, as the hydraulic motor is controlled by the anti-lock pressure switch applying the ground to the hydraulic pump motor relay and avoiding over-pressurizing the ABS system, e.g. it turn the pump on when it needs to build pressure and turns it off when pressure is within norms.  Bypassing the relay will either blow out the seals in your ABS system somewhere, or burn up the pump.  Don't do it... as tempting as it might be, troubleshooting is one thing, bypassing a critical safety system is something else.