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Messages - lockedout9

Engine Tech / BBK SSI Intake Manifold
Paul Flockhart, that's the one.  Strange that when I did a search using BBK SSI nothing was found on this site.  Thanks for the links.
Engine Tech / BBK SSI Intake Manifold
Has anyone tried the new BBK SSI intake manifold?  If so, how difficult was it to install and hows its performance?
Drivetrain Tech / AOD Performance Help
I saw the Trans 101 article on TCCOA and thought that maybe some of those upgrades could be done on my 87 AOD trans I'm rebuilding, specifically the clutches. See what you think and if you've got part numbers it sure would help. Finding parts is the second hardest part of this rebuild. Taking the trans out was the first.

Direct Clutch:
Mine can fit 8 frictions and 8 steels but the pressure plate is too thick.
Have, 0.059" frictions and 0.060", 0.070" steels, oem pressure plate is 0.220".
Alto says same frictions and steels but has a 0.128" pressure plate.

Was thinking I only needed the pressure plate here.

Reverse Clutch:
The article said another friction/steel could be added to the reverse clutch making it 5 frictions and 4 steels. However either the pressure plate, apply plate or a combination of both must be thinner.
Have, 0.061" frictions, 0.068" steels, oem pressure plate is 0.200" apply plate is 0.370".
Alto says 0.058" frictions, 0.055" steels and a 0.138" pressure plate no apply plate listed.

Did not want to buy this many f/s. I measured mine and without a thinner apply plate this won't work.
Has anyone done this and can you tell me the thickness to use and the part numbers?

Forward Clutch:
Here the article said to remove the wave plate to add another friction/steel making it 6 frictions and 6 steels. Here again the pressure plate must be thinner. My question is how will the removal of the wave plate effect shifting and reliability? Also would I use the same thinner pressure plate as used in the reverse clutch?
Have, 0.061" frictions, 0.068" steels, oem pressure plate is 0.200".
Alto does not show any thing.

Intermediate Clutch:
With a thinner pressure plate I can have 4 frictions and 4 steels. Yet the only plate is see that will make this possible is a thinner pressure plate 0.258" listed at for the 4R70W #D76144E. Will this pressure plate fit in the 87 AOD?
Have, 0.080" frictions, 0.070" steels, oem pressure plate is 0.402".
Alto says 0.066" frictions and 0.069" steels and a 0.338" pressure plate.
But I measured mine and can do this with just another f/s of the same thickness I've got only a 0.258" or thinner pressure plate is needed.

Didn't know if the 4R pressure plate would fit the AOD. Need help.

Snap Rings:
I figured I'll need different thickness snap rings. I've checked with Ford and they said there obsolete. Any ideals where to get new ones?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Drivetrain Tech / Re: AOD Rebuild Tools Needed
The trans slips and is killing the mpg and performance, too much power shifting. I figure, take my time and be very carefull. I did a powerglide several years ago and it was ok. The aod just has more parts. If it don't work right can still take it to a shop.
Drivetrain Tech / Re: AOD Rebuild Tools Needed
What about the end-play spacer and servo selection.  Is the shop going to measure which one of those is needed or do you just put in new versions of the originals?
Misc Tech / Re: Interior Resto Parts
Have you found any restoration plastic "slips" for around the seatbelt buckels which are reasonably priced?  Ford only sells the whole seatbelt for close to $200.  I've been looking in junkyards for two years and there either broken like you said or there the wrong color( blue or brown ) when I want red.  My 87 Tbird Sport was in storage for a couple of years and those covers broke on their own.  I guess the plastic dries out.  So probaly if I found some junkyard ones they would soon break.
Drivetrain Tech / Re: AOD Rebuild Tools Needed
I'd have to find a reliable trans shop which is more difficult than rebuilding the trans myself.  I asked the two shops in my area what they'd charge to rebuild my out of car trans and they couldn't quote a price.  They gave lame excuses about internal components need checking first.  All they wanted was to pad their wallet.  Thats why I do nearly all my own car repair because of shops like these.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Drivetrain Tech / AOD Rebuild Tools Needed
According to various transmission rebuild books and the Ford Service Manual there are several special tools that are needed when rebuilding a 1987 Ford AOD trans.  Does anyone know what essential tools I must have and where I can buy them?  My local parts stores doesn't sell anything and neither does the Ford dealer.  I'm planning on rebuilding my Tbirds trans in a few weeks.
Thanks, lockedout9 :locked: