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Messages - Crazy88

Lounge / Very Pleasant Christmas Eve Surprise
Sounds like your boss really does appreciate everything you do for him and more importantly, knows how to show it. Merry Christmas!
User Rides / My New 302
Sounds like a winner to me, assuming there are not "gotcha's" lurking in the recesses of that motor. A thorough teardown and inspection of the bearings, journals and cylinder walls will tell the tale.
T-Bird/Cougar Parts & Cars FOR SALE / TC corner lights
Its not that they are not interested, it is that they have pretty high setup costs prior to a production run, but no guarantee that they will sell a single pair in a year, thus is a pretty risky business proposition.  Combine that fact with the fast that the labor costs for production facilities here make their overhead higher, yet most consumers shop with their wallets and rarely take into consideration where something is made... yet turn around and complain when they see themselves, their friends, family members or neighbors get laid off and their jobs moved overseas.  It is our fault, we caused it.  The sooner we all recognize this, the sooner we can begin to do something about it.
Body/Appearance/Interior / building a 4" cowl hood for my Supercharged 5.0L Tbird
Quote from: 1WLD BRD;405310
no shiznit, you might not have said anything that wasnt true with your first comment, but you are being an ignorant douche and proving nothing, and with your childish comments again.... I highly doubt the comment about socks....  thanks again for proving your an idiot, please reply to further illistrate that issue :)  dont you first have to know something to forget it?  so again i doubt the "forgotten more then I will ever know" comment.  go troll someplace else loser  by the way, thanks!  you are only the second one ever i have used the "ignore" button on.

You are calling me a douche?  Really?  You pick a fight with someone you know absolutely nothing about, finally admitting that nothing I said was wrong, but I am the "ignorant douche"...yeah, ok what ever makes you feel better about yourself.  Tell you what fella, go crawl back into your hole and come back when you wanna have a battle of wits and have more than an empty chamber. Regarding the Ignore button...Oh, I am soo wounded.

And for what it is worth, I thought you did a very nice job blending the two pieces together.
Lounge / Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all, especially those that serve our country and cannot be home with their families.
Body/Appearance/Interior / building a 4" cowl hood for my Supercharged 5.0L Tbird
Quote from: 1WLD BRD;405294
lets see you put a gauge on there genious

since you are being an idiot, he was refering to the section on a fox stang infront of the window that most people put gauges on, which our cars dont have.

Why would you make a comment like this?  newbie idiot know-it-alls that try starting internet arguements like you are the reason i havent been on this board in years.

Apparently to tick of idiot wannabe know-it-alls, such as yourself.  By the way Mr. Genius, who apparently doesn't know how to SPELL, DID I say ANYTHING that was not true?  Nope, didn't think so. There is a cowl area, but you can't mount a gauge to it, at least not without modifying the hood.  As for being a newbie idiot, I have probably forgotten more than you have ever known or will ever hope to know.  Hell, I probably have socks older than you are.

My point Mr. Genius, was that virtually every car has a cowl area and to say that there isn't one, is not only not true, it simply confuses the issue.
Body/Appearance/Interior / building a 4" cowl hood for my Supercharged 5.0L Tbird
Quote from: STANG8U;405290
Seeing as there is no cowl area lol

You might be right... maybe he doesn't have a windshield...or a hood....wait, he has one of those.  I know, he doesn't have an intersection between the hood and windshield... oh he does, well then I guess he DOES have a cowl area.
General Computer Forum / my Caveman computers getting too old
Quote from: Haystack;405211
At my house, I have 2 windows 98 computers, and probably 10-12 xp computers still running.

... SNIP!

...Nothing wrong with old computers if you keep them clean and running well.

You are absolutely right.  I have two Compaq 486/66MT's running freebsd for my front end email servers, 3 Compaq DeskPro 200's for Domain Controllers (Windows 2003), 1 Compaq PROLIANT 1600 as my Exchange Server (Windows 2003), 12 Dell 2650's and 12 Dell 1750's as my main development machines. I'll likely upgrade some of these over the next year or two if only to support my ongoing development efforts.  Otherwise, unless there is a catastrophic failure or I can no longer obtain parts or make repairs, I'll use them until the fall apart. ;)
General Computer Forum / my Caveman computers getting too old
I'll understand where you are coming from J, but the fact is that most people have plenty of computing power for what they do most often, e.g. browse the internet, email and some word processing.  A much smaller percentage use a bit more computing power by watching videos online or similar stuff.  The marketing folks do their best convince us that we can't live without being able to do whatever the latest dumb thing is... so we NEED a new computer AND updated software to do it.  Being stupid, some of us pay through the nose to buy the latest and greatest hardware, sometimes paying far more than we can afford, only to discover that the latest new feature doesn't work well, the hardware seems to be getting worse and the venders of both the hardware and the software sit around pointing fingers at each other...

I'll stick with my iMac built in late 2007 until she literally dies or won't do what I need her to do anymore.  She is still fast, runs windows, linux and unix extremely well in virtual machines (I have enough memory to run 5 at the same time), is pretty energy efficient, all while being very quiet and remaining cool... of course the best part is that she is paid for.  I have replaced the hard drive once in five years... but to be fair, she runs 24/7 and is not just used to browse the web or send email either.
Electrical Tech / 88 Thunderbird EVTM coming
Quote from: TheFoeYouKnow;405005
as far as I know, it's permanent. However if you zoom, you can move the page around and see whats underneath. If I can dig up the scratch, I'll buy the program and reissue the EVTM.

Hmm, PM Sent.
Electrical Tech / 88 Thunderbird EVTM coming
I finally got the app downloaded, thanks for the hosting Trinom and of course thank you Foe for the effort.  The app works fine, I only noticed the "demo" nag screen getting in the way when whatever I was looking at happened to be underneath it... Is there a way to make that go away once the SWF is built or is it permanent?