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Topic: Aerobird Motorsports is CLOSED, effective immediately. (Read 1027 times) previous topic - next topic

Aerobird Motorsports is CLOSED, effective immediately.

Quote from: Aerobird Motorsports;202193
    Effective immediately, 5 February 2008, Aerobird Motorsports is closed for business. An anonymous person has called in a credible DEATH THREAT over parts sales. All information has been given to the proper authorities, but for me and my family's safety I have made the decision to fold. There is a lot of subterfuge going on right now in the 2.3T/Turbo Coupe world and I want no part of it.
  To the people/persons responsible, you have your wish. ABM is closed, I will no longer be posting on NATO or TurboFord under any of my screen names and you will no longer see any parts for sale. All of my current inventory will be liquidated on eBay to the highest bidder. Enjoy your now completely open and competition-free market.
    To my loyal customers, I am truly sorry to have to do this, but some things in life are more important then 20+ year old cars. If you have a pending order it will be fulfilled, and if there is anything you would like before I put it all up on eBay please e-mail me before Saturday the 9th. No phone calls please, I am very distraught right now.
    To everybody else in the Thunderbird/Cougar world, thank you for your support, even if it was silent. I truly hope this teaches some certain board moderators a lesson before they too are threatened by the same party/parties. The in-fighting has always been intense in the 2.3T world, but it has exponentially increased in the last year and I believe it is coming to a very nasty head.

I bid you all farewell, Michael

This is the letter I have posted on my website. I will be staying here on FTCF to run the Top 25 and organize PIR meets. I have many friends here and have never been threatened here. I'm sure word of this will spread to NATO and TF, I have no intention of ever posting on either of those sites again. I hope the moderators and site owners will respect my decision and my privacy and keep all personal information personal (if they don't, my attorney will get involved). I am sorry people could be so cruel over parts sales and words on the internet, but they did. I will not discuss specifics with anybody, so please do not ask.

My user name should be changing soon and I will be changing my phone number as well. Thank you to all of my friends and acquaintances here on FTCF.