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Topic: Wanted: T3 Turbo (Read 1269 times) previous topic - next topic

Wanted: T3 Turbo

Im looking for a T-3 Turbo, preferably one off a SVO or 86 and down TC/XR7.

Re: Wanted: T3 Turbo

Reply #1
to be honest, i dont think youll find it here
It's Gumby's fault.

Re: Wanted: T3 Turbo

Reply #2
i saw 2 on ebay earlyer this week

Re: Wanted: T3 Turbo

Reply #3
yeah i saw them on ebay too.. keep searching through there something will come up

Re: Wanted: T3 Turbo

Reply #4
It was a shot in the dark, hopeing maybe someone was using it as a doorstop or something.

Re: Wanted: T3 Turbo

Reply #5
I know where one is @ a local boneyard ...if ya wants I can check it out for ya
If worms had daggers, birds wouldn't f**k with 'em

Re: Wanted: T3 Turbo

Reply #6
Dont go out of your way, my experiance has been they want wayyy to much from the boneyards (400+ around me)