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Messages - SirChirpAlot
User Rides / Come meet Miss Plain Jane
No power anything. Talking roll up Window, No power locks,seats,trunk,seats, Hell only thing that was power is the mirrors lol.
But being so plain we had to name the car Plain Jane.
Lounge / A word to the wise. Secure your load.
I have also seen and heard Horror story's
Lounge / A word to the wise. Secure your load.
If he would have stop odds are i would be in jail for knocking out of him. To say i was a tad pissed would be an understatement.
I see or hear of wheels coming off trucks or people that lose part of a load and it bothers how dumb some people are.
This one hit hard as my family is taking this worse then me.
Mostly because i have my son in that seat when i have the car out.
Lounge / A word to the wise. Secure your load.
Lounge / A word to the wise. Secure your load.
The pics of back of the car look like its rust bucket but its surface rust that will clean up with wire wheel.
So i guess i'm at the point were i start pulling the car apart again. But this is the last time i'm doing this.
As wife has said b4 go take care of the Mistress
Lounge / A word to the wise. Secure your load.
Dont mater if your handy man, commercial driver, or some Joe helping a buddy.
Make sure you secure load.
I say this why u might ask? Well pics are worth a 1000 words. 2 feet to left has a new meaning.
And thank god i didn't have my son in the car!
No this is not a racing stripe. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1237592_605296079522554_452499051_n.jpg
Only thing that stopped it was my cage! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1174717_605296069522555_252062078_n.jpg
I think i need to do some floor work now.
And yes thats a 2nd one that got my front end and came into the car under the dash.
Now u can see why i say Secure your Load.
Also note i'm a commercial driver so hate seeing this .
On side note i'm still mostly ok.
Have a nice day
Show Photos / Haven't been around much
Back to ThunderChicken it needs alot of work now, Body is not to bad but it will still take alot of time to get this car as nice as my cougar was.
On side note it goes like hell and this winter i'm working on the turbo setup or body. I have not made up my mind yet but who knows it depends on my mood lol.
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / So whats going on around here!!??
Show Photos / Haven't been around much
User Rides / 87 Tbird
Show Photos / Haven't been around much
Show Photos / Haven't been around much
I have more room in there to run even more tire
The back half is tubbed with 9inch and ladder bars
This car has a lot of miles on it in good and bad weather. I will be very busy with wire wheel and cleaning it up to the way it use to be when i 1st built the car.
User Rides / 1986 XR7 351 turbo swap....
But all good things come in time. Best of luck with your ride.