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Topic: One touch down driver's window. (Read 6455 times) previous topic - next topic

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #1
...and there was light!

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #4
Ah yes, would be a nice mod to our cars where you latch a relay with an R/C time constant but i believe there are a second set of contacts in there for momentary down user defined.
My Exploder, if you push in half way on down, you can define the amount of down  you get.
If you push the button all the way then the window goes all the way down by itself.

never examined how they do it but i believe its all in that switch coupled with some relays.

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #5
The switch above has the entire one touch system built in to it.  I'll be getting out my saw, my die grinder, my soldering iron, my heat gun, and then some epoxy.  I'm not necessarily going for perfectly clean, being that i have a consolette , and will be swapping up to a full console and floor shift later.  Right now I'm most concerned with a functional appearance. The switches may not necessarily look stock when I'm done.  After my console swap in the spring, I'll build another nicer one.  Think of this build as a proof of concept.

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #6
great work,, and let me know if you want another set of eyes on it.

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #8
There was a link somewhere Ive seen, that someone has  done this already.  I dont remember where though, I know that was very helpful LOL.

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #9
unfortunately, I've realized that I should have gone another way, but I already cut the original mounting pedestals for under the console cover, so I'm commited to my current path.
This is the guy responsible for one touch in this switch, it uses current detection to determine when the window has reached its travel limit.

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #11
No, not Taurus, and not a module. Its about 1 1/4", by 1" and its inside the switch assembly.  The switch comes from a 2004-2008 F-150, but it's identical to the switch in 2004 and up Freestar.  I started with the 4 window version and eliminated everything I didn't want or have room for.  Lots of cutting and tpuppies.  Followed by fixing the switch, because cutting it killed the left 'hot on down' terminal.  I'll get some pics up tomorrow or Saturday.  It's in right now and working, however I don't have the tops snapped on.  I'll get around to tpuppies the rockers to work through the panel tomorrow.  I originally wanted to reuse the original toggles as switch covers, but I tried it and I didn't like the fit at the mounting depth I was going to have to work with.

One touch down driver's window.

Reply #13
I see.  Well, the wheel certainly hasn't been reinvented.  I am the master electrical specialist at a Ford Dealer, I replace literally 75 to 100 of these switches a year.  As you can imagine I have access to free switches whose only flaw is dirty points.  The 'module' in this Taurus kit is a larger, older version of what is built into that switch, except free.  The truck kit they sell is a scam, as the truck generation they list it for doesn't need it, because like I've shown, that hardware is in the switch. 
And just one more thing, the benefit of using the newer switch, components and all, is that you have a second detent on the switch for auto.  The Taurus kit will auto the window down at the slightest touch, I didn't want that.  I like the 2 stage control.  I had considered using just the controller out of the switch, it would have been easier, it would have used my original switches, but they're not as nice and clicky, and then there's the whole 2 stage thing.