Panic buying!
Reply #5 –
If you are driving a car with without a car note - then running out to buy a new fuel efficient car doesn't make much sense. Once the financial agreement has been settled, lets assume 5-years, when the savings start to kick in you can feel a little bit better. But doing the math, you won't break even... even (i hate it when i do that - i'd stop if could) during another 5-year timespan. I only measured gasoline @ $4. Gas would pretty much have to hit armegeddon prices of over $16/gal to do so. And I'm sure cars will be getting over a 100MPGs after the nuclear winter so you will still get hosed.
But if you are driving a $35K SUV or similar large vehicle (or performance vehicle) that you can sell or trade and break even to purchase a new more fuel efficient car... (or you were sitting on the sidelines with cash money, waiting for your beater to break that one last time) it may make perfect sense given your situation. Sometimes events happen that push you into doing something you planned to do but were holding off just a little bit longer. Everyone has their tipping point.
And some people are just stupid.
At least, that is my take. The news tends to be one-sided so I don't take them too seriously.
But I must admit, after filling up with nearly $4/gal of 93 this morning, I did lay off the boost for a couple miles. lol.
Side note: I saw a stereotypical trucker looking guy driving a beige Prius once... I nearly ran the light staring at him. I couldn't believe it.