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Topic: Air Conditioning Update Question. (Read 1933 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Air Conditioning Update Question.

Reply #1
Did they spray foam in the evaporator tubes?

I *think* the box is the the same, but you shouldn't need to do more that replace the evaporator (and the heater core, since you'll have it apart)
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

Re: Air Conditioning Update Question.

Reply #2
I just had my fan side of the AC/Heater box out of my 85 Tbird Turbo Coupe because of mouse house.  I found a little damage to housing and squirrel cage and was looking to replace the squirrel cage with a Foxbody squirrel cage but they are different. In addition the Foxbody fan housing splits different than the Tbird does, so my assumption is the there may be enough differences that the Foxbody heater box assembly may not fit.

If you have the dash out and have access to a u-pull-it, spend sometime pulling the dash and heater box out of a Foxbody and check it to your cougar. 



Re: Air Conditioning Update Question.

Reply #3
Thanks for the help. I think it my be just the evaporator.