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Topic: Ogle County Illinois (Read 3743 times) previous topic - next topic

Ogle County Illinois

Hi..........I am going to try to set up a cruise and meeting at Jay's Drive in located in Oregon, Illinois. I will be including the SCCoA and TCCoA sites in this as well. I will contact the owners of the drive in shortly about this. My wife and I love the Oregon/Mount Morris area and thought it might be a great way to enjoy the area. :burnout:
Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird


Reply #1
The majority of us would be meeting along the way. Our final "in route" rally point would be at the De Kalb Oasis. We would leave as a group and drive to Jay's.


Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird

Ogle County Illinois

Reply #2
hey! thats me -i live in mt morris il! didnt know anyone knew where
ogle co. was at. terry wilken who own jays is a friend of mine
and is related to my son in law. they have a cruise night once a
month during the summer.3-D Sound does the tunes. lots of
chicagoland people stop there on their way to the missippi
if you need ph numbers or other help let me know


Reply #3
Hi Irv....the wife and I will be at White Pines this week end. This event is posted on three far. I was not sure when Vicki and Terri open so I mailed them a letter, explaining my idea.
I'll try to stop in, if they are open and discuss it. We don't have a month or date set as of yet. This would be a Thunderbird/Cougar event. I want to be sure they would be open to the idea before plans are set. If not...........I'd suggest we meet at the picnic grounds at White Pines as an alternative.
Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird

Ogle County Illinois

Reply #4
i can talk to them too if you want. they live about 3 mi
from me. how long are you staying this weekend?
give me a call .-irv toms
wife cell-815-985-2077


Reply #5
We'll arrive Friday afternoon and leave Sunday afternoon. We will more than likely go into "downtown" Oregon. We'll do some shopping and my wife will want to stop in the sewing store down from the drive in. If you should see Terri tell him to expect a letter or us stopping in. Thanks, Ron
Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird

Ogle County Illinois

Reply #6
they arent open yet. if you want a good all homemade fixins
meal go into polo to dads bar and grille,also known as the
pinecricker cafe.they have breakfast too on sat and sun.
they are on the east end of the one way on mason st. if
interested in meeting give me a call.--irv toms


Reply #7
I know my wife will want to stop at "A stitch in time". (the quilting store in Oregon) We'll more than likely stop there Saturday. We'll be out and about town Oregon/Mt. Morris.

Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird


Reply #8
Hey Irv............we'll try to call while we're out there. In the past we've had problems getting "bars" out that way. A "Shop" number? Do you own a business in the area?
Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird

Ogle County Illinois

Reply #9
irvs autobody in mm[mon-fri]
talked to vickie tonite. they planned on being open
this weekend but got water damge over last weekend.
probably a week or more. they might be around sat
or sun.they havent gotten your letter yet. they are
willing to do something with you.--irv


Reply #10
Thanks Irv........Water damage? at the drive in?

OUCH! Hope all goes well during the clean up.

The letter didn't arrive yet?

Wow, well, we can walk over there Saturday when we go into town.

I may have a trivia test for those who attend,had a friend who had an award business years ago. Might see if Mark will make up some dash plaques for me.

Auto body? Very nice..........worked in a body shop decades ago during high school. Are you down the street from Ciminios?

Thanks again, Ron
Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird

Ogle County Illinois

Reply #11
east of ciminos , just across the railroad tracks,
on the right, large sign.  you staying at the pines?


Reply #12
Yes....we'll be staying at White Pines. Our usual place to go for a get away. Left work a few minutes ago and getting ready to leave soon.

Road Trip :burnout:
Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird


Reply #13
We were busy Saturday and took a trip to Dixon as well. I did not see anyone there Sunday when we went to check things out closer.
There looks to be room for 24 cars or so max. I doubt we would fill the lot with that many cars. July was suggested over on SCCoA.
We could not get any bars on the wife's cellphone until we were nearly on RT39/51 Sunday. Maybe another weekend we'll head back for the Sunday Buffet at White Pines and stop in.

Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird

Cruise Night

Reply #14
The owners have invited us to join them in their first Cruise Night of the season. It will be on Sunday, June 5th. The time is from 5:00 to 8:00, though I doubt they would mind if we showed up a little early.
Any thoughts?

Welcome to AMERICA...........Learn to speak english!

To ALL my fellow Veterans........Thanks!

U. S. Army 1971 - 1974

1990 35TH Anni Super Coupe
1992 Five Speed Super Coupe
1994 4.6 LX Thunderbird
1995 4.6 LX Thundebird