Engine Tech / Re: 1988 V6 Running Rich / Rough Idle
Since you checked so many other things already i would check for possible failing TFI module since you have problem with warm start up.
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I was looking for one of those donut things but couldn't find anything listed for the car. Do you remember the brand gasket set that came with the donut? The FelPro 8993 didn't nor the Felpro kit above it (more gaskets).
ps: I have the headgasket number already memorized........this is not a good sign.
I have been fighting an exhaust leak between the wastegate cone and the down pipe. Finally gave in on Friday and went to a exhaust shop. The cone part of the down pipe must have oblong from misalignment and was never going to fit. The garage made a new pipe and also added a glass pack for me right before the ler.
So much better! A little less on the dB's for the longer drives and I can hear the radio better. Also having correct reading from the wideband is a plus.
I've rented a spot in my friend's garage for the winter. Yesterday I put the 'Bird away before the snow comes and all the salt on the roads.
Now that marching band is done for my daughter's schedule, the parent taxi cab service has gotten a mild break. Two teenagers are busy. Plans for the winter is tear into the wastegate actuator and the gate operation. Replace the starter solenoid and the ignition switch (I think it is the solenoid going bad but not a bad idea to replace both).
I'd like to get a caster/camber alignment kit this winter just to tinker around with the MM caster plates.
did you ever decide?
i am converting both my 20th and my 1990 351w bronco.
I am unsure nowadays if anyone here has found an even larger ampacity alt in the same case size,, as in,, "shop for this xyz car" and you will have a bolt on unit.
I will be redoing the main wiring to #6 cause i have a bunch of that in rhh/rhw flex telecom rated & solder lugs and such.
no,, i mean repair the balancer,,, meaning put the inertia ring back on.
The humidity gets too much up here to go without A/C for us too. I spent my youth without A/C so I already did my dues there.
I spent a little over 8 hours working on the car yesterday. Only got about 2 things done. Oil return line and the air filter is on..............progress is progress.........