I was running ie 6 sp1. talk about a total peice of a$$. I installed this new fire fox thing(just do a google on firefox) and no more pop ups or spyware(the kind that disables the browser). You guys should all check it out, it is only like a 4.5 meg download. this will help alot with the "errors" the windows convenietally gets everytime you get your favorite websites up. p.s. i have noticed that not all java programs will work on this browser.
well three saturdays later, and about 7 hours of work and I have most of the lugs off. now I have no way to get the parts out without seriously messing up my rim . I have the stud and the lug flush with the rim. my problem is I cannot get to the wedge. Is there anyway to take my front brake off without messing up my rim? could I jack the front end of the car up, and dissasemble the suspension and take it off that way?. I could get it off, If I could get the caliper off.
I remember seeing (I Think) a 1987 Turbo Coupe with a 351 with twin supers, I had the link but lost it. A freind of mine is convinced that his civc could out perform any big block, I think that he hit like, 14 sec 1/4 times. I told him about this bird, couldnt find the link, now he is calling me a liar. Now i want to prove him wrong :flame: I would :bowdown: to anyone who could help me out here.
I will try to get a pic, but on my cougar(1986) there is a big rubbery thing twoards the front of my diff. When I accelerate, the back end picks up, not the front. Does this have something to do with it? Because, I have another 1986 with the same engine, and it dosent do it. It also dosent have the rubbery thing. I also decided that I have diffrent springs too. my other ones are alot softer.
This is when it was still brown. I spray painted it black, Just so that it wouldnt rust anymore. here are burn out pics. elapsed time is less then 10 seconds. plus the brakes wouldnt have lasted any longer
I am curious as to what types, speeds, and specs that everyone here has. I just think it would be cool to see how we all sit. I have over 10 computers so i am just going to list this one. 266mhz p2 96megs of ram 8gig hard drive dvd player, surround sound(5.1), and a 1000(supposedally)watt sound system with sub. it is more along the lines of 100 to 150 watts.dsl internet(sucks) at 256k download. multipul network hups, most of my computers are older, but they work. also this is the second computer that i have built for my self. i keep it in good working order. thanks
i cant get some of my burn out pictures to become smaller. i have tried resizing them and then saving them as something else but it isnt working. any help is appreciated